HomeBusinessAdviceWhy Every Aspiring Author Should Consider Self-Publishing

Why Every Aspiring Author Should Consider Self-Publishing

Potential writers must make a very important choice: follow the traditional or self-publishing route. While traditional publishing is tempting, with the cachet and possibility of selling one’s writing, the state of self-publishing has grown more desirable in recent years. With improvements in technology, the potential for direct contact with readers, and the ability to control one’s own creative product, self-publishing is a viable option and generally a better one for new writers.

Interestingly, statistics indicate that self-published writers are extremely satisfied with their experience, with a great likelihood of repeating it and highly recommending it to others. In this detailed guide, we will talk about the major reasons why self-publishing should be the concern of every prospective writer.

What is Self-Publishing?

Self-publishing means printing a book or written piece outside of the mainstream publisher. Here, the author is personally responsible for every step involved in publishing, right from cover work, formatting, and editing to printing and distribution. It does sound scary, but self-publishing offers authors as much freedom and flexibility as traditional publishing doesn’t.

Self-publishing is now a legitimate and quickly growing choice for authors to distribute to readers as digital book publishing platforms and web-based shops. This increase is due to the democratization of publishing, such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), which reduced the barrier to entry and gave the writer more control of published work.

Benefits of Self-Publishing

Over the past few years, self-publishing has been a game-changer for authors, providing lucrative benefits not available through conventional publishing routes. More creative freedom and flexibility, better royalty rates, and faster time-to-market are just a few of the perks included, making self-publishing an attractive platform for authors to stake their claims and connect with readers on a personal basis. The following are the most important benefits of self-publishing which make it an empowering and inclusive platform for authors to publish their work.

1. Control Over the Creative Process

One of the greatest benefits of self-publishing is the level of control writers enjoy over their books. When you publish yourself, you do it all—writing and cover design, all the way down to pricing and distribution. This control over the creative process allows writers to bring their vision to life without someone else in the way. Conventional publishing usually entails a long process of approval, wherein publishers make recommendations that can transform the original message of the writer.

Authors may maintain their characters, subjects, and stories in their original intent without compromise. This creative control also manifests itself in branding choices. Self-published authors can tailor marketing campaigns to attract targeted readers, building a distinct persona that resonates with their constituency.

2. Swift Publication Timeline

Time is of the essence for most writers who wish to publish their tales. Traditional publishing takes years—trolling around for agents and waiting for an offer and then waiting months for editing, cover design, and print runs. However, self-publishing can turn a raw manuscript into a printed novel in a few weeks or even days.

This rapid turnaround attracts authors who want their voices heard as quickly and as efficiently as possible. The independence of publishing on their own time allows authors to stay up to date in a rapidly changing marketplace. Literary trend shifts rapidly, and self-publishing allows writers to respond in real-time, making their works current and in front of readers today.

3. Higher Royalty Rates

Money plays an important role in choosing for most authors. Traditionally published authors usually wind up with 10% to 15% of the royalties on sale of their books, which could be much less after paying the publisher’s share. Self-published authors, on the other hand, receive as much as 70% or even higher of their royalties when they use platforms such as Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing.

This kind of imbalance in profit allows thriving self-published writers to make a tremendous amount of profit from their writing. With a wider profit margin, writers can invest more money in their writing company, employing skilled editors and book cover artists or advertising. Self-publishing is a very lucrative industry that traditional publishing has little hope of competing with.

4. Access to a Global Market

Advances in the Internet and Internet-based shopping sites have turned the publishing world upside down. Writers through self-publishing can sell to global markets like never before. Avenue like Kindle, Smashwords, etc., makes it possible for authors to access the globe geographically unbiased, removing the previously limiting hindrances of accessibility.

Self-publishing authors can utilize more advanced technology and media like AI-based publishing to achieve the optimal outreach and visibility for their content to the best of their potential. With this tool, writers can learn what is happening in the marketplace, adjust their marketing strategy, and speak their minds to the public.

5. Building a Personal Brand

Writers’ strength is to possess a good personal brand. Self-publishing offers the best platform where writers can build their brand and communicate directly with their audience. Blogging, social media posting, and book signings provide writers with a platform to build authority and credibility in their own marketplace.

Self-published writers can also build a dedicated following of readers for their books, building reader excitement and interest in the next book. Building a relationship builds loyalty, and that builds fanatic readers waiting for the next book from the author.

6. Challenges and Misconceptions of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing is fairly cheap compared to traditional publishing, which is very costly and time-consuming on writers’ sides as far as getting a publisher’s stamp of approval is concerned. Self-publishing is affordable for writers since it enables them to set their budgets within their range. Having a book printed from self-publishing frightens one as it relies on services to be hired, i.e., editing, covers, and interior.

Through do-it-yourself book publishing packages and sites, authors can print their books for themselves at a fourth of the cost of traditional publishing. To have an author’s book printed, it would cost between $500 to $5,000 depending upon the amount of professional help needed.

Challenges and Misconceptions of Self-Publishing

Even though self-publishing has many advantages, don’t overlook the disadvantages as well. Instant fame and millionaire through self-publishing is one of those. Self-publishing bestseller works day and night making a quality product, marketing it, and talking to the readers daily. Even if there are bestsellers through self-publishing authors, their books never become popular.

Being labeled is another flaw. Some readers believe that self-published books are not as refined or of poorer quality than traditionally published books. Most self-published authors, though, focus exclusively on quality cover design and editing, putting an end to this myth and increasing the standard of self-publishing as a profession.

The Future of Self-Publishing

Self-publishing websites are evolving and new ways and technologies are emerging with time. A minority choice in the past has now become a shining choice for authors worldwide. While established publishing houses trim their lists of publications and production, most authors have no other option but to embrace the self-publishing route.

Moreover, since a need for more diversity in stories and voices, self-publishing opens doors for authors from underrepresented communities to be published and share their voices and opinions. This diversification of books enriches the world of books and diversifies it. The future of self-publishing is very bright. Since authors can feel their potential, more creative ways of storytelling will be developed, and there will be enough quality material to read.


Self-publishing dares new authors to own their writing careers. With the advantages of creative liberty, quick publication timetables, improved royalties, and global distribution, writers can stake their claim to the book industry. Through brand name establishment and stereotype-busting, writers can successfully put their books out there and build a connection that turns readers into loyal followers.

To reap the fullest dividends of these benefits, however, authors must be on their guard against common self-publishing errors such as sloppy proofreading and editing, bad marketing, and gaudy covers. As the publishing landscape shifts increasingly, self-publishing will be tomorrow’s determinative driver of voices and tales.

Ana is an internet entrepreneur and one of the founders of iGuides, she loves to give adequate time to her passion which is writing. She holds a PHD in English Literature.

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