HomeLifestyleA Good Awareness of Short Girl Problems

A Good Awareness of Short Girl Problems

Being a short girl seems to be the wrong thing in some societies. Beyond all doubts, nobody has control over being short or tall. It is entirely a natural phenomenon. As there are many short girl problems that she faces in her normal life. Let’s check few of them!!

“Short girls DO NOT like out of fear to be picked up.”

Do you know! why do guy like short girls? its answer is very simple because little girls appear more as delicate. On the other hand a short girl has to do a lot of struggle to look tall as to escape from people’s hurting remarks.

Some Problems of Being a Petite Girl

Some annoying struggles a short girl has to make in her life more often.

1. Everyone Makes Fun of a Short Height Girl

Everyone Makes Fun due to Short Height

Being a short height girl in this world is very insulting to some extent because people keep on reminding short people that they are too short to do some tasks. A short-height girl always suffers from an inferiority complex.

2. You Need to Walk Twice as Quick as Your Tall Friends

Stop! Please wait for me I got little legs!

You Need to Walk Fast

One of the biggest and annoying problems of a short girl starts when she has to walk with her tall friends. She has to make a dash because of her short legs. Her friends simply walk but she runs almost runs a marathon to be parallel with them.

3. You Need to Apply Effort to Reach Anything

Short Girl Effort to Reach Anything

Because of short height, one feels trouble to reach the cabinet without using step-stools. Step-stools are a blessing for a short height girl.

4. Wait-Gain of Low Height Girl is very Noticeable Indeed

Wait Gain of a Short Girl

Fat storage in such a little body is very limited, but even then tummy is clearly evident. You know short girl problems are comparatively very fond of ice cream that unfortunately causes obesity which is continuously ridiculed.

5. A Short Girl all the time Keeps on Jumping up and Down While Watching a Movie etc. in the Cinema-Hall

A short height girl has to face lots of problems. Maybe, we are ignorant of them because it’s her pains, not ours simply. Whenever she makes a program of watching a movie or a concert, she almost drains away her money because she is unable to see properly what is going on in front of her seat. A movie ends but she could see just some of its glimpses.

6. Pants are very Long Enough to Look Like an Endless Tunnel

Short Girl Long Pants

Being a short height girl, you need comparatively perfect outfits. The normal size of jeans for a short girl seems an endless tunnel. If she wears as it is, it becomes a tent for her. As a result of it, she will become a laughing stock. This problem for a short height girl is unavoidable.

7. A Small Girl gets much Irritated on being called “Cute.”

It Causes Irritation

A short girl always gets ridiculed as being remarked as:

  • Tiny
  • Adorable
  • Dwarf
  • Little
  • Midget
  • Small fry
  • Shorty

All these titles don’t seem awkward and ridiculous at first, but after some time this ridiculously starts boring. On the other hand, a short girl dreams of looking smart and hot, but mostly dreams don’t come true in this world of insensitivity when you look as small as a baby of 7-8 years old.

8. Everywhere you are Treated as a Carded

Treated as a Carded

Getting carded at the bar seems not awkward because the people think you are a student, so you are not allowed to be here. A short girl despite being mature looks too younger gets fed up of being called like a child.

9. You are Driving, but Nobody in the Car is Seen Driving from the Outside

It's Difficult to Drive a Car

Grumbling about this is useless undoubtedly but auto-industry can be complained about not manufacturing a pedal-car. Thanks to auto-industry, short girls are facing all while driving.

10. Patting a Short Girl’s Head by Elders is Normal

Girl Don't Like Patting

No short girl feels excited after being patting on her head. Patting on your head gives you a feel of a small girl. Whenever she goes to attend a function like a wedding ceremony, her relatives treat her like a small girl. This is one of the problematic issues a short girl is habitual of tolerating mostly.

11. People always like to Pick you up Like a Small Child

Everyone Can Pick You Like Child

Loved ones really feel entertained to pick you up on their shoulders; however, it’s very forceful and awkward. This problem is very embarrassing for a short girl who is helpless indeed.

12. A Little Girl is not Born to do Exercise on Exercise Equipment

Not Born to do Exercise

Doing exercise on equipment is really very healthy and exciting. But a short girl is not born for this, unfortunately. She rather can’t go to the gym too. For her, all these exercise equipment are prepare for Giants…

13. While Hugging your Friends, their Bellies Touch your Head

Hugging with Friends

When you are going to hug with your 6’4 friend, it looks cool but really, really awkward because he will have to bend his back at practically 90 degrees to embrace. Hugging with a short-height girl is really something strange to look at. It just creates fun.

14. Taking Selfies with Tall Friends needs Endeavouring

You Can't Take Selfie With Tall Friends

Such kinds of selfies are often seen with head-cut pictures. Tall people when trying to shoot selfies with short people get their heads cut-off mostly and avoid attempting again.

15. A Low Height Girl always Offered the Kids Menu

Always Offered the Kids Menu

One of the worst things a short height girl is going to face when visiting a hotel is to be entertained with the kid’s menu first.

16. Standing Next to your Long-Legged Friends hits Your Self-Esteem

It Hurts the Self Esteem

Don’t become a sandwich by standing in between your long-legged friends. You are certainly not a potato but you are trying to be serious if you take an attempt standing next to your long-legged, elegant, and graceful friend.

17. Everybody is always Trying to Lean on you

This Is Not Your Armrest Place

Being short is actually not your fault, but people try their level best to make you feel like that. You are not made for an armrest. Often, they put their one arm leaning on you simply. It becomes inconvenient for a short height girl.

18. Sun Visors are Discovered not Keeping in Mind Short People

Sun Visor are not for Short People

One of the problems of a short girl arises when she is sitting in a car. She tries to escape from the sun-rays reflected from the car’s windowpanes in spite of using sun visors. If you are sitting on the front seat, you have to struggle to see over the dashboard.

19. It will Hurt to Know you will Never be Able to Become a Model

You Are Not a Model

A short girl at an early age confirms when listening to people giving remarks about her. She very well knows what she can do or what she can’t. Actually, people make up her mind by their satirical and hurting remarks. Becoming a model is like a wool-gathering for her.

20. In Crowds, She Almost Lost Anywhere!!

She Is Almost Lost

Short people in crowds sometimes can injured. They should avoid going into it. In the case of a stampede, mostly children and short people can lost or die. On top of that, it becomes difficult for them to discover their friends in crowds.

21. You’re Constantly Downgraded to the Middle Seat on Road Trips

Short Girl is Congested in the Car

Or on the other hand, even better, you get the chance to be the assigned “lap-sitter” if sufficient seats are not available. A short girl deserves not a full seat anywhere expectedly.

22. A Long-Strap Purse Hangs Low

Girl Wearing Long Purse

Short girl problems start when she tries to hang a long-strap purse on her shoulder. The purse sometimes touches the ground or her ankle possibly. People when catching a sight make a fool of her.

23. Utilizing your Satchel/Sack as a Footstool on a Plane so your Legs couldn’t be Numbed

Keep Bag Between Legs

If you have to travel by air, you will even face some problems because of your short height. You will be a little shocked to know that the seat of a plane is also not made for you. Your legs are left suspended to be numbed. To prevent numbness, you need your bag as a footstool to support your legs.

24. Seat-Belt may Choke you While Driving

Seat Belt can Cause Chowk

For a short girl, no peace is available anywhere. A poor girl when driving needs to use a seat belt but it is for long and average people not for short people. Short people know how to drive, but while driving they are not free from using the seat belt. On the other hand, seat belts may choke them to death. Who is responsible?

25. A little Girl has to Dive into a Washing-Machine to get Dirty Clothes Out of it…

Short Girl is in the Washing Machine

What a tragedy she has to face when getting stuff out of the washing-machine bottom! She needs to plunge into it. How awkward it looks!


Being a short young lady accompanies its own set of difficulties and issues, from battling generalizations and biases to beating obstructions like finding garments that fit. The world can once in a while appear as though it is equipped to deal with taller individuals. Conversely, tall girls also face different kinds of challenges. We would accomplish uniformity among all assuming we know and are thoughtful about these issues and make a culture that is more comprehensive and tolerating of all types of variety.

Short Girl Problems
Ana is an internet entrepreneur and one of the founders of iGuides, she loves to give adequate time to her passion which is writing. She holds a PHD in English Literature.

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