HomeLifestyleSocietyWho Gets the Car in a Divorce? Understanding the Legal Basics

Who Gets the Car in a Divorce? Understanding the Legal Basics

Getting a divorce involves a lot of planning and calculating. You need to be ready for any possible outcomes. You should also work hard during the process so that the aftermath is comfortable for you and your family. The biggest hassle is always around dividing significant property, covering houses, cars, and other valuables. Deciding who gets the car can involve more details based on legal processes and the specific circumstances of the couple. Explore more aspects that can affect the division of the vehicle and care for your divorce to end up beneficially for you.

Determining Whether the Car is Marital or Separate Property

As you probably know separate property is left to their owners after the end of their marriage while marital property is distributed between former spouses according to the running law. So, you should begin by defining what type of property your car is. Mind the following principles in this case:

  • If the car was purchased before the marriage by one spouse, it may be considered separate property and stay with the original owner.
  • If the car was purchased during the marriage using joint funds, even if it’s in one person’s name, it is usually considered marital property and is to be divided accordingly.
  • If one spouse inherited the car or it was a gift specifically to one person, it may remain with that person as separate property.

Yet, the law may be slightly different across the states. So, you should better consult a local specialist for clarifications according to your place of residence. Plus, you can reach for professional advice on property division at https://onlinedivorcetexas.com/.

Considering Legal Factors in Equitable Distribution States

The next thing you should bear in mind is the eligible law in your state regarding the property division principle. You have two options here, which are equitable distribution and community property division.

In equitable distribution states, courts aim for fairness when dividing marital property, not necessarily equal division. This implies that specific circumstances will be taken into account to deliver the solution that suits best the very case. When deciding who gets the car, they mind factors like:

  • Financial needs – whether one spouse relies on the car for work or needs it to transport children.
  • Income differences – if one spouse has a higher income, the court may consider whether the other needs the car for financial independence.
  • Ownership history – if one spouse used the car more or paid for its upkeep, this can affect the decision.
  • Ability to pay – if the car has an outstanding loan, the court may assign it to the spouse who can handle the payments.

The court weighs all the factors and stipulates the car division so that the couples get the fairest and most beneficial outcomes. You can always affect the results by opting for an amicable divorce and choosing who gets the vehicle on your own. The hard work and readiness to cooperate is needed here.

Living in a Community Property Division State

In community property states (like California, Texas, and a few others), marital assets, including cars, are divided equally. If a car is deemed marital property, each spouse might be entitled to half its value. No matter the financial state, custody, or any other circumstances 50/50 principle is to be applied to property distribution.

There is one more way the situation may unfold. If there are two cars, each spouse might keep one, or the value of the car can be split, with one spouse getting the car and the other receiving an equivalent asset or compensation.

In similar cases, you can hardly do anything to influence the results. You can only get prepared by consulting the in-field expert and aligning your life conditions accordingly.

Taking into Account Car Loans and Financial Responsibilities

When there’s an auto loan involved, the court typically assigns both the car and the responsibility for paying the loan to the same spouse. The spouse who keeps the car must continue making the loan payments, or the court may offset this with other financial arrangements.

In some cases, the court may require one spouse to refinance the car loan solely in their name if they’re keeping the vehicle. This seems fair that the side losing the car is deprived of any related financial responsibilities, too.

In other specific cases, such as disability of one spouse or full custody, the person who needs the car more but has financial hurdles can make their former partner cover some part of the loan, instead. Yet, you need proper legal assistance to obtain similar results for your benefits.

Opting for Negotiation and Settlements

Often, divorcing couples can negotiate who gets the car rather than leaving it to the court to decide. Through mediation or settlement discussions, they may agree on a plan where one spouse takes the car while the other receives something of comparable value, such as furniture, cash, or a larger share of other assets.

A compromise is always better than the intrusion of legal authorities. You have full control of the situation. You and your partner are the ones to dictate the rules so you can easily predict the outcomes. Plus, it saves you time and money, when an amicable divorce is chosen.

Valuing the Car

When dividing assets in a divorce, it’s essential to determine the car’s value. This may make a difference when the couple have two, vehicles, or as a result of the divorce, one partner gets the car while another gets the money equivalent. Courts or the couple may use methods such as:

  • Market value – is the fair market value of the car, which can be found using sources like Kelley Blue Book or Edmunds. It helps ensure that the division of assets is fair, especially if one spouse is keeping the car while the other receives a different asset.
  • Appraisal – If the car has significant value (e.g., a luxury or vintage car), hiring an appraiser to determine its worth may be necessary. Costs for professional services will be smaller than the amount you may lose when valuing the car wrongly on your own.

Knowing the car’s value ensures that both spouses receive equitable shares of the marital assets, with compensation provided to the other spouse if one keeps the car. Plus, a professional evaluator may be needed to settle down any arguments on the vehicle value if any arise.

Not Missing Other Considerations

Every case is specific. You should always take a close look at your situation separately with the help of a marriage termination professional. This will allow you not to miss any important details when deciding on the car division or any other significant choices. Here are some more considerations, that may make a difference for you:

  • Multiple vehicles – if the couple owns multiple vehicles, the decision may be simpler, with each spouse keeping one vehicle. Yet, when the vehicles have drastically different values, extra compensation from one partner to another may come into question.
  • Car’s title – just because a car’s title is in one spouse’s name does not necessarily imply that the person automatically gets the car in a divorce. It is still subject to division if it’s marital property and is to be distributed according to the local law.
  • Taxes and insurance – ownership of the car affects taxes and insurance. After the divorce, the spouse who gets the car will need to retitle it in their name, pay any related fees, and make sure the car is properly insured. Consider this when updating your financial plans and statuses after the marriage termination. Think well whether you can afford to maintain the car after you get it.

These and other details can change the picture drastically. If you have any hesitations as to whether you need the car or how to obtain it as a result of divorce, reach out for professional assistance. The relevant expert will help you calculate all possible risks and changes the divorce results will bring and apply the necessary measures to ensure the near future.

Enforcing Car Ownership Post-Divorce

One thing is to get the car in the marriage termination process, another is to cover all the legal procedures to actually own the car. Once the court or settlement determines who gets the car, the spouse keeping the vehicle will need to:

  1. Transfer the title to their name if necessary.
  2. Remove the other spouse from the registration and insurance.
  3. Refinance any auto loan if both spouses are on the loan but only one is taking the car. This ensures the other spouse is no longer financially tied to the vehicle.
  4. Apply any renovations up to your needs and preferences.

Now that the car is yours, make sure there are no legal issues to be solved and adjust the vehicle to your comfortable usage.


In summary, car distribution is a complex process that requires a thorough approach and often professional assistance. Deciding who gets the car in a divorce involves a mix of legal factors, including whether the car is marital or separate property, the state’s property division laws, and each spouse’s financial situation. The outcome can be decided by a court, or the couple can agree on how to divide the car through negotiation. Every other detail may have a significant impact on the aftermath so it shouldn’t be missed or neglected. Choose your best suitable option on how to solve the issue and get legal assistance if necessary. This way the car distribution during divorce won’t be painful but a beneficial process in the end.

Saeed Baig
Saeed is a traveler who loves to explore the world and experience thrilling adventures. In short, he is living the life to fullest.

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